2016年3月8日 星期二

The four attributes of empathy (video)

This is a short video of illustrating Brene Brown's view on Empathy vs Sympathy. Great to learn how to empathises with our children.


In I Thought it Was Just Me (But It Isn't) (2008), Brown references nursing scholar Theresa Wiseman's four attributes of empathy:
  • To be able to see the world as others see it—This requires putting your own "stuff" aside to see the situation through your loved one's eyes.
  • To be nonjudgmental—Judgement of another person's situation discounts the experience and is an attempt to protect ourselves from the pain of the situation.
  • To understand another person’s feelings—We have to be in touch with our own feelings in order to understand someone else's. Again, this requires putting your own "stuff" aside to focus on your loved one.
  • To communicate your understanding of that person’s feelings—Rather than saying, "At least you..." or "It could be worse..." try, "I've been there, and that really hurts," or (to quote an example from Brown) "It sounds like you are in a hard place now. Tell me more about it.”



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