2015年3月11日 星期三

Be mindful -- “Ten Mindful Minutes”

Only by spotting “Ten Mindful Minutes” at library did I realize Goldie Hawn, the American actress, is actually the author and founder of the MindUP program to foster mindfulness training for both kids and parents and supporting various researches on the benefits of mindfulness.
Its Chinese version is translated as 陪孩子靜心十分鐘

Based in neuroscience, mindfulness and positive psychology, MindUP™ teaches children greater emotional self-control, resiliency and helps develop better decision-making skills.

 Even for us parents, we can practice mindfulness in controlling our emotion. I love the quotes  below:

“I can’t think of a better way to become better parents than to nurture ourselves and our ability to be mindful to gain greater insight and understanding as to who we are as people."

“If a peaceful child can create a peaceful world, then a peaceful parent can create a peaceful child”

“Parenting is like a relay race in which you run alongside your child for the first eighteen years”

 “all we can hope is that our children experience more positive than negative effects from our parenting and become the healthy pilots of their own lives.”

The book offers simple and handy tips on how we could teach our kids how the brain works and some practices we can do at home with our kids to be more mindful, optimistic, be grateful and controlling our anger.

Here are some easy to follow tips:


l   A kind act a day – making a kind act chain


l   Seeing from different angle or height

l   Drawing pictures from different side


l   Use Traffic light analogy

l   Ask them to draw or write about their feelings


l   Put fear in a box

l   Acknowledge your fears to them  and rate a scale of 10


l   Gratitude jar/box


l   Half full water story

Mindful sensing

l   Play I spy

l   Mindful eating
l   Mindful awareness  -- (eg) cleaning tooth



父母效能訓練課程 [2019年9月][荔枝角]

Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) 父母效能訓練 課程    (2019 年 9 月份 )周二荔枝角廣東話班 父母效能訓練 (P.E.T.) 是現時全球首屈一指的親子育兒課程。 P.E.T. 是由屢獲殊榮的心理學...