2015年2月13日 星期五

3-way conference

Every year, the kids’ school will hold a 3-way conference on the first term where three parties- teacher, parent and student- are sitting together to discuss the kid’s performance over the past term and agree on a set of objectives to work on.  While at the end of the second term, a student-led conference will be held where the student will take lead in sharing his work over the year.

Yesterday I just attended both kids' 3-way conference which I always find it is a very fruitful way in adding to the missing element of the traditional “parents’ day” run by local schools. Recently, this subject is raised by a local teacher in a recent SCMP article  which says “In a calm atmosphere, with a report card between us, the parents and I face each other and have deep and sincere conversations about the teenager we both cherish. But where is the student?”…..

but they do not shed light on what actions the students volunteer to take to hone their study skills or the targets they will commit themselves to achieve. “

The 3-way-conference has nicely added to this missing element.

For both of my kids, report cards are taken home two days prior to the 3-way conference day. It allows both parent and kids have a prior conversation at home to discuss their results. We parent is also required to fill in a form of “3 star and 1 wish” for my kid. While kids at school are also required to fill in a reflection of their own performance and write down what do they think they should work on.

On the day of the conference, parent can start sharing their three stars and 1 wish to the kids or voice out their questions on the teachers’ comment on the report card. Then kids will share their own thoughts with parents and teachers. At the end, they will agree on some priority and goals that students should focus and work on for the coming term.

For my son, both his homeroom teachers and I agree that he is doing great on his academic area while he need to be more focus and enhance his self-management skills. While he reflected that he would like to work on his social and communications skills. After we pointing out his weakness in self-management skills, my son willingly admit and agree that he should work on it as a priority. He will write his work neatly, not to be distracted and more conscious on taking care of his belongings. In front of teachers and parent, my 7-year-old son got very serious and solemnly promised us that he’s going to be more focus and improve his self-management skill next year.

While for my daughter, I’m amazed to find that she wrote down “I didn’t put 100% efforts in doing my homework cos’ I got distracted by the longing to play sooner” I am happy to see that she is able to share this openly and have discovered her own weakness.  So both myself and the teacher expressed on the spot on how she can tackle it and be more focus.

When back home during the rest of term, I can easily remind the kids whenever I find them are losing track of the promise they made.

All in all, the entire 3-way-conference process is meaningful and worthwhile for student to reflect upon. Learning is not only knowledge acquisition but how all three parties – parent, teacher and student- could have an open and frank discussion to help the kids learn and grow. Omitting the students’ participation in such a review process is a real waste to the growth of kids.

2015年2月9日 星期一


看見這張寫著: “ Sorry mom I yell at you. ”的字條放在我房間書桌上,我眼淚不禁再次奪眶而出,然而卻是欣喜的淚水,我這兩天不打不罵的堅持真是沒有枉費的,我的八兒子終於開始有自省能力。

過去兩天, 經常丟三忘四的弟弟氣得我心力交瘁,昨天是周日,弟弟吃早餐時已在唸叨:「我好像不見了數學工作紙。」我靜聽後,只淡然說:「那就唯有欠交吧。但你要有心理準備接受老師明天會扣您Golden Time。」

早餐後,他再找一遍,還是遍尋不獲,於是就開始大哭:「我明明放左入書包架! 我以後都拿唔到星星,咩都做唔到!我聽日唔返學喇!就咩事都無啦!」


幸好, 我當時已去過無數親子講座,攻讀了許多理論,所以面對此時此刻,我還是把持得住。

根據發展心理學,男孩的組織及計劃能力可能要到二十多歲才完成發展,所以我對他這種不見功課的行為已是見怪不怪 。剛巧那幾天我也正讀到腦權威Dan Siegel 說若孩子發難,他們是處於用下層大腦思想的情緒波動狀態,這時候如果您向他說教、講道理、曉以大義,是不管用的。反而,父母必須先用同理心舒緩他的情緒,待他冷靜後,待負責是非黑白的上層大腦能夠接收時,才跟他慢慢說道理。因此這兩天我都默默沿用這些方法。


「係囉! 這間學校好stupid, 還是在教除數,我都識啦 。」他說。



怎知他急著要開始做功課,竟向我大吼:”Why don’t you leave me alone to do my homework?"我當時真恨不得大罵他一頓,充滿委屈,心裡很想向他大吼:「弟弟你知道我有多傷心嗎? 您以為媽媽好想打擾您嗎?您昨天才弄丟東西,就是因為沒有收拾之過,我都是為您好,您竟然向我大吼?」

….我還是忍住⋯⋯大口地深呼吸一下說:「好, I will leave you alone!」馬上別轉頭,推門離開,但我的眼淚已掉了下來。

我走回房間再深深地呼吸, 不過當時連自我安慰的時間也沒有,因為姐姐剛好來找我問功課。 


可是,一波未平一波又起,正想跟他說媽媽有多高興收到他的字條,我又聽見他在房間大叫找不到昨天做的six thinking hat write-up, 我真是氣炸了肺, 為什麼又再重演相同的事情?

但我再忍住不說教,只說: 要我幫您找一找?您確切記得有帶回家嗎?

但還是遍尋不獲, 他絕望了,伏在書桌上大哭:「又要再做過!!!」本來我有一肚子的教訓要跟他說, 但想到他又處於下層大腦狀態, 於是再忍, 只拍拍他肩膀說:「媽媽知道您好唔開心!我比杯水您。」 他竟然有回應:「我頭先飲左啦!


於是我又離開他房間,讓他自己冷靜一下。過了約十五分鐘 ,看見他已坐在電腦前在重做。




我一次又一次的控制都是得的,感恩能把事件轉危為機, 給了我教導兒子的黃金機會,讓他可自行舒緩情緒、自省、和學習檢討自己行為, 這是親子間一生受用的功課和禮物! 我也成為了一個更好的媽媽!

父母效能訓練課程 [2019年9月][荔枝角]

Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) 父母效能訓練 課程    (2019 年 9 月份 )周二荔枝角廣東話班 父母效能訓練 (P.E.T.) 是現時全球首屈一指的親子育兒課程。 P.E.T. 是由屢獲殊榮的心理學...